Dental tourism

Our professional approach, high-quality service, the best materials on the market and 70% lower prices are just a few of the reasons why numerous patients from other countries entrust their dental health to us. The Dental Kraft dental centre has great experience and offers complete organisation for foreign patients who are interested in dental tourism. Cooperation starts via email, phone, Viber, Skype or WhatsApp. The only thing the patient needs to do is submit a panoramic x-ray and a few digital photographs, and tell us their needs.

After examining the x-ray, the dentist, in consultation with the dental technician, makes a primary analysis and assessment of the condition of your teeth, and later suggests the best possible solution and time frame necessary for implementation. After an appointment has been made, we will help you book a plane ticket or any other type of transportation according to your wishes. Our care for you continues the moment you arrive in Skopje. We will provide transportation, a cell phone and accommodation in a lovely apartment in the city centre.

The dental procedures will be completed as fast as possible, and in the meantime, if you are interested, it will be our pleasure to show you part of the beauty of our small, but captivating country of Macedonia. As options, we offer a tour of the capital Skopje, a boat trip across the lake in Matka Canyon, a visit to the city of Bitola, a visit to the ancient site of Heraklea, a visit to the historical-cultural centre of Ohrid and much more. We assure you that you will be very pleased with the entire experience and will recommend us to your loved ones with great pleasure.

If you are interested in this type of service, please contact us now. The best option is to already have a digital panoramic x-ray for prosthetic devices or a 3D panoramic image for implants, which is the most important prerequisite for all future plans. Send the panoramic image to our email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and specify when and where you would like us to contact you. As communication options, please give us your phone number or email, or even better your Viber, WhatsApp or Skype. You can also contact us, and all the information you need to reach us can be found on our contact page.